Geometry in non-positive curvature and Kähler groups

Collection Geometry in non-positive curvature and Kähler groups

Organisateur(s) Rémi Coulon, François Dahmani, Alexandre Martin
Date(s) 30/08/2021 - 01/09/2021
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Asymptotic dimension of graphs of polynomial growth and systolic inequalities

De Panagiotis Papasoglu

Asymptotic dimension and n-Uryson width are useful notions of dimension in coarse and systolic geometry respectively. I will explain how using similar techniques one obtains: 1. Sharp estimates for the asymptotic dimension of graphs of polynomial growth 2. A new proof of a theorem of Guth on the n-Uryson width of Riemannian manifolds of small volume growth. This leads to new proof of Gromov's systolic inequality.

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