FLAIM: Formal Languages, AI and Mathematics

Collection FLAIM: Formal Languages, AI and Mathematics

The focus of the conference was the recent work that lies at the intersection of Mathematics and Artificial intelligence. Large efforts in mathematics formalization have led to the formal verification of deep theorems and made large resources available to the mathematical community. Formalization and formal proofs seem to be destined to play a growing role in the future of mathematics. On the other hand, AI techniques can be leveraged to explore mathematical objects in new and surprising ways, leading to new insights about classical objects making new questions emerge. Advances in formal language theory, in the automation of reasoning and the upsurge of interest with respect to dependant type theory make it possible to envision a greater place for AI to partly automate mathematical reasoning.

Organisateur(s) Meta
Date(s) 03/11/2022 - 04/11/2022
URL associée https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/8087/
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