Aissa Wade: Lie Algebroids and Lie Groupoids in Poisson Geometry

Collection Aissa Wade: Lie Algebroids and Lie Groupoids in Poisson Geometry

These lectures will provide an introduction to Poisson geometry, Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids with some applications. Each lecture includes various examples. The origins of Poisson geometry are in classical mechanics. But nowadays Poisson geometry has strong connections with many areas including quantum mechanics, Lie theory, foliation theory as well as noncommutative geometry.

Apparaît dans la collection : CIMPA SCHOOL "Groups and Lie Algebras, Representation Theory, and their Applications"

Organisateur(s) Jean-Bosco Kayoya, Giuseppe Dito
Date(s) 19/07/2021 - 30/07/2021
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