Collection Aggregation-Diffusion Equations & Collective Behavior: Analysis, Numerics and Applications / Conférence Chaire Jean Morlet: Equations d'agrégation-diffusion et comportement collectif: Analyse, schémas numériques et applications
The main aim of this conference will be to gather the most influential contributors in this field till date in the different aspects of nonlinear nonlocal aggregation-diffusion equations. We will aim to cover research topics such as minimization of free energies, well-posedness, regularity, long-time asymptotics, gradient flows, qualitative properties, asymptotic limits, numerical schemes, numerical simulations and applications of Aggregation-Diffusion Equations. We would like the event to be international, including participants from all over the world, and inclusive, facilitating participation of talented early career researchers, female mathematicians working in the field, and researchers from less-favoured countries.
Apparaît dans la collection : Jean Morlet Chair - 2024 - Sem 1 - Carrillo - Nouri
Organisateur(s) Carrillo, José Antonio ; Esposito, Antonio ; Gómez-Castro, David ; Nouri, Anne
Date(s) 08/04/2024 - 12/04/2024
URL associée